In recent months DSC has been awarded three "On-call" Contracts as a sub-consultant to major engineering firms in the New York area. While one contract is for standard Architectural/Engineering (A/E) "On-call" services for the MTA-NYCT, in which DSC will provide tunnel expertise for various federally funded projects, the other two are focused entirely on security issues.
For these contracts, DSC will provide tunnel security and tunnel hardening expertise with the staff located in Herndon, VA and London, UK. The engineering staff at DSC-L has already gained valuable experience in tunnel hardening in the late 1990's during the design and execution of the Thames Tunnel Rehabilitation.
Jon Austin, the managing director of the London Office will head all tunnel security and hardening efforts and will bring to the table his previous military experience with the Royal Engineers and former employee of London Underground. Besides his military engineering experience, Jon has actively worked on tunnel hardening projects for London Underground and fully understands the threats to infrastructure tunnels and the countermeasures necessary to keep them safe.
Austin, and the engineers at DSC-L who will provide three dimensional finite element analysis, will be a valuable support to DSC-W during the execution of tunnel security related tasks. The tasks for the MTA-NYCT "On-call" Contract will be carried out by our staff in New York, NY and Herndon, VA.