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Urban Highway Tunnel

Taguatinga Tunnel

Service Performed
Doorframe Slab Design Review and Construction Advice
Commencement - Services
December 30, 1997
Completion - Services
December 29, 1999
Brasilia -
Technical data

Metro tunnel, 3,950 ft (1200 m) long with a section of approx. 660 sqft (62 m²). Overburden varied from 10 - 15 ft (3 - 5 m), reinforced concrete slab 2 - 4 ft thick.

Geology description

Porous clay, sandy clay, weathered slate, weathered siltstone.

Geology types
Urban Highway Tunnel
Final cost
Special Construction techniques
Surface Excavation
Installation of Supporting Piles
Start of Slab Construction
DFS - reinforcement, concrete slab partly completed
Clean Surface for Slab Reinforcement
Excavation for the DFS completed, I-beams installed, vaccum system
Installation of Slab Reinforcement
Reinforcement of DFS
Backfill of DFS


Service Performed
Design and Construction Supervision of Shafts and Access Tunnels
Estimated cost
Commencement - Services
December 01, 1998
Technical data

Section T02 comprises 7716 of 6m inner diameter sewerage tunnel, 6 permanent access shafts and 3 lateral access tunnels connecting the access shafts with the sewerage

Geology description

Light gray to medium gray slightly to moderately weathered Petersburg Granite (quartz, hornblende, biotite); dark grayish, slicken-sided Amphibolite layers (biotite, hornblende, feldspar);

Urban Highway Tunnel

Seven Star- Herzeliya Tunnel

Service Performed
Tunnel Feasibility and Constructability Study
Commencement - Services
August 30, 2002
Completion - Services
October 21, 2003
Tel Aviv
Technical data

Feasibility study for joint Light Rail / Motorway tunnel.

Geology description

Medium to stiff and silty clay, soft calcareous sandstone with seams of coral chalk and sand lenses.

Geology types
Urban Highway Tunnel
Final cost
Plan and Profile
3D Model
Original Design: Cut & Cover Box
NATM Option:Twin Tunnel Section
NATM Option: Single Tunnel Section
