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Inter-Quarry Tunnel

Design and On-Site inspection services
Estimated cost: Commencement:
March 29, 1994
Completion date:
December 29, 1994
Leesburg, VA
United States
Technical data:

Haulage tunnel with approx. 80 ft (24 m) of overburden to connect new and old quarries separated by a VA Park Authority trail. Applying NATM principles, the tunnel was mined using drill and blast, lined with steel fiber reinforced shotcrete. Length: 285 ft (87 m), Width/Height: 34 ft (10 m)/27 ft (8 m), Section: 814 sqft (76 m²), Excavation Method: Drill and Blast.

Geology description:

Relatively competent rock mass with diorite as the base rock allowing 10 ft ( 3 m) rounds for the top heading and bench excavation. Due to previous blasting the rock at the Portals was severely fractured.

Bid cost: Final cost:
Service areas:
Portal of completed tunnel
Portal Image from the Luck Stone Project - 90% completion level
View of Tunnel Location
Regular Cross Section
Shotcrete Canopy at the South Portal