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Edmonton Light Rail

Service Performed
Dr. Sauer and Partners provided construction support services and supervision of the excavation of the Light Rail Tunnels, which were constructed using NATM.
Commencement - Services
August 01, 2011
Completion - Services
January 01, 2013
1 Sir Winston Churchill Sq NW
Edmonton, AB T5J 2R7
Geology description

Glacially controlled terrain comprising clay, silt and sand deposits underlain by Mesozoic bedrock consisting of sandstone and shale.

Geology types

The City of Edmonton built a 3.3km Light Rail Train extension from Churchill Station to the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology. Approximately 670m of the extension are underground consisting of ca. 430m of twin tunnels of 6m nominal diameter. NATM/SEM tunneling was applied. The software 2DOC, which was at that point used in North America for the first time, allowed real-time tracking of all geotechnical instruments on the project, as well as the recording of the actual geotechnical conditions and the grout support elements installed.

Final cost
Construction methods
Tunneling under
Building, Road
Project number
Final cost
$300 million CAD

Eglinton Crosstown LRT - Design

Service Performed
Preliminary and detailed SEM tunnel design. Primary and secondary lining, waterproofing and interior structures design on three SEM stations (namely Laird, Avenue and Oakwood).
Commencement - Services
November 01, 2015
Completion - Services
December 01, 2021
97 Front Street West
Toronto, ON M5J1E6
Geology description

Glacial depositional systems created a complex distribution of heavily overconsolidated till layers, separated by interstadial stratified deposits of glaciolacustrine clay, silt, and sand.

Geology types

The Crosstown is a light rail transit line, which is part of the regional transportation plan for the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area. The project will provide a 19km corridor across Eglinton Avenue, connecting ten stops at grade and 15 underground stations with a 10km twin-bored tunnel. Dr G. Sauer & Partners provided detailed design for Oakwood, Avenue, and Laird stations. A combination of Cut-and-Cover construction for the shafts and mined techniques (SEM) for the tunnels was utilised. Excavation and support measures were tailored to the ground conditions. Finite element analyses were carried out to determine structural capacity of linings and trigger values to meet stingent settlement criteria at the surface.

Construction methods
Tunneling under
Building, Road
Project number
Final cost
$8.25 billion CAD
Completion date

Silverline Phase III

Service Performed
Sub-consultant for NATM design.
Commencement - Services
January 01, 2003
Completion - Services
January 01, 2008
500 Arborway
Boston, MA 02130
United States
Geology description

Made ground, peat, glacial till (cohesive, plastic), Boston Blue Clay and sand.

Geology types

Silver Line Phase III is an underground extension of the Silver Line from the current terminal at South Station into Downtown Boston. The tunnels through Boston's Chinatown lie up to 25m below surface and include ca. 1400m long-running tunnels, two stations and complex underground junctions. The NATM design alternatives for LRT / Busway tunnels are located beneath existing subway stations and running tunnels. 3D modelling tools were utilised to create multiple alignments.

Final cost
Construction methods
Tunneling under
Project number
Final cost
$550 million USD

Central Subway

Service Performed
Preliminary and final SEM tunnel design at Chinatown Station.
Commencement - Services
March 01, 2010
Completion - Services
May 01, 2012
425 Market Street Suite 1700
San Francisco, CA 94105
United States
Geology description

The geology ranges from soft clay (Bay Clay) to stiff sands (Colma Sands) and competent to highly fractured rock (Franciscan Formation). A considerable part of the tunnel alignment is below the groundwater table.


MUNI planned a 2.7 km underground extension to the Third Street Light Rail Project. The underground section would start near Bryant Street, run along Third Street, cross under four BART Tunnels at Market Street and continue under Geary and Stockton Streets to Clay Street. Dr.Sauer and Partners was the designer for the SEM Tunnel Structures at Chinatown Station and prepared detailed excavation and support sequences as well as procedures for the construction of the large caverns and final design documents for SEM construction.

Tunneling under
Building, Road
Project number
Final cost
$1.6 billion USD

Crossrail 2

Service Performed
Provide SCL project services, supporting main tunnel-stations-alignment workstreams, design of tunnel cross sections, SCL design principles, geotechnical review and risk assessment.
Commencement - Services
January 01, 2015
22 Carlisle Place
United Kingdom
Geology description

The geology is expected to be highly variable crossing most of the typical units of the London basin (river terrace deposits, London Clay, Lambeth Group, Thanet Sand).

Geology types

Crossrail 2 is a proposed new rail infrastructure project, aiming to alleviate further crowding and congestion across London. The proposed central route will provide a link between Wimbledon in the South and New Southgate and Tottenham Hale in the North with a provision for an Eastern branch towards Hackney Central. It will provide interchange with multiple London underground, London Overground, Crossrail 1, national and international rail services. It is expected to increase significantly the capacity of the regional rail network and reduce the journey times supporting the population growth of the City of London.

Construction methods
Tunneling under
Building, Rail, Road
Project number
Final cost
£30 billion GBP
Completion date

Crossrail Farringdon Station - Geotechnical Assessment

Service Performed
Temporary works design included design of tunnels prior to ring closure and 28 day strength as well as depressurisation design.
Commencement - Services
May 01, 2013
Completion - Services
October 01, 2015
Cnr Charterhouse St & Farringdon Rd
United Kingdom
Geology description

Excavation encountered almost all the London basin units but mainly Lambeth Group, comprising stiff to very stiff overconsolidated clays to water bearing sand units.

Geology types

The station is located in central London between Tottenham Court Road and Liverpool Street Crossrail (CRL) Stations. Constructed in the geologically most complex area in the whole of CRL, an optimised geotechnical and SCL tunnel design was implemented, which resulted in significant time and cost benefits for the project. Using a dynamic 3D geological model in conjunction with SCL tunnelling represented a key element of the geotechnical risk management framework.

Service areas
Construction methods
Special Construction techniques
Tunneling under
Building, Rail, Road
Groundwater control
Max Overburden
25 m
Max Excavation Area (m2)
Tunnel length
1000 m
Project number
Min Overburden
5 m
Final cost
£300 million GBP

Ottawa Light Rail Transit - Design

Service Performed
Tender design, preliminary and full detailed design including execution drawings for the mined twin track running tunnel, three mined station caverns and access shafts.
Commencement - Services
March 01, 2012
Completion - Services
July 01, 2019
529 Albert St
Ottawa, ON K1R 7Z0
Geology description

The geology varied between competent limestone and fractured shale. A soft ground section included variable glacial till deposits of sand, silt and clay layers and a groundwater table close to ground surface.

Geology types

Ottawa's Confederation Line runs from Tunney's Pasture in the west to Blair station in the east, is 12.5 km long and includes 15 stations. The central piece is a 2.5 km long tunnel, running under the central business district of the city, including 3 underground stations. The twin track running tunnel and 3 underground stations were designed using the mined construction method in order to minimise surface disruption. The underground stations are located adjacent to existing, sensitive and historic buildings and required detailed risk mitigation measures during design. An innovative engineering solution involving a tailor-made excavation sequence and permanent tension ties spanning the cavern was developed.

Construction methods
Tunneling under
Building, Road
Tunnel length
Project number
Final cost
$2.1 billion CAD
Completion date

Bond Street Station Upgrade Design

Service Performed
Design of the primary and secondary sprayed concrete linings, 3D FE modelling of all SCL tunnels including excavation steps and ground movement assessments.
Commencement - Services
January 01, 2011
Completion - Services
January 01, 2013
Oxford Street
United Kingdom
Geology description

The tunnel horizon is generally within the London Clay formation with the lowest tunnels sitting in the Lambeth Group, where clay layers and water bearing clayey sands are inter-changing.

Geology types

Bond Street tube station is a major gateway to London's West End served by both the Central and Jubilee lines. As part of the LU tube upgrade plan, the station is undergoing a major upgrade to increase capacity, improve accessibility and create interchange with the new Crossrail station. The project provides two additional escalators from the interchange level to the Jubilee line, low-level interchange route between the Central and Jubilee lines, a new step-free entrance, ticket hall and new lifts. The majority of the tunnelling works will be mechanically excavated and lined with sprayed concrete.

Final cost
Construction methods
Tunneling under
Max Excavation Area (m2)
Tunnel length
Project number
Final cost
£150 million GBP

Crossrail Farringdon Station Execution

Service Performed
Tunnel design, engineering support, geotechnical engineering and site supervision services were provided.
Commencement - Services
March 01, 2013
Completion - Services
November 01, 2015
39 Cowcross Street
United Kingdom
Technical data

Located in the heart of Crossrail, Farringdon is one of London’s major rail interchange stations, providing connections between three networks (Thameslink, Crossrail and London Underground). Dr. Sauer & Partners provided 24/7 supervision support during the SCL works.

Geology description

The majority of the tunnelling takes place within the Lambeth Group formations.

Geology types

Farringdon station is now one of London's major rail interchange stations, providing connections between three networks. During the construction of the Crossrail project, it also received four earth pressure balanced tunnel boring machines (TBMs): the two Drive X TBMs, running from Royal Oak to Farringdon and the two Drive Y TBMs, running from Limmo to Farringdon. The complete station layout will comprise two ticket halls, two platform tunnels, connecting cross passages, escape and ventilation adits, two escalator - inclines and two concourse tunnels constructed using mainly SCL tunnelling.

Bid cost
Final cost
Construction methods
Special Construction techniques
Tunneling under
Max Excavation Area (m2)
Tunnel length
Project number
Final cost
£400 million GBP

Crossrail Farringdon Station Design

Service Performed
Design of the primary sprayed concrete linings and excavation stability including depressurisation/dewatering. 3D FE modelling of all SCL tunnels including excavation steps.
Commencement - Services
April 01, 2012
Completion - Services
October 01, 2015
39 Cowcross Street
United Kingdom
Technical data

The BFK joint venture was awarded the constrction contract for Farringdon Crossrail station in 2011. BFK appointed Dr. Sauer & Partners as consultants for all sprayed concrete lining (SCL) tunnelling works prior to ring closure. 

Geology description

From the ground surface to the bedrock the geology comprised made ground, river terrace deposits, followed by London Clay, Lambeth Group formation, Thanet Sands and chalk.

Geology types

Farringdon station is situated at the heart of London's rail network and will be one of its major rail interchange stations, which will link Crossrail, Thameslink services and London Underground trains. The station layout includes two ticket halls, two escalator inclines, two platform tunnels, connecting cross passages, concourse tunnels and ventilation adits. The chosen tunnelling system for Farringdon Station was sprayed concrete lining (SCL). The station comprised a total of 1km of SCL tunnels at depths of up to 35m below ground level and excavation cross-sections varying from 25m2 to 110m2.

Final cost
Construction methods
Tunneling under
Max Excavation Area (m2)
Tunnel length
Project number
Final cost
£400 million GBP
