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Author Title Location Date Files
Urschitz, G., Gall, V. and Zeidler K. Frozen Ground for Building Support Boston, MA, USA June 6, 2000
Sauer, G., Gall V., Egger, K. Three pillars for an effective Waterproofing System for Underground Structures Boston, MA, USA June 6, 2000
Gall, V. Flexible Approaches for Urban Tunneling New York, NY, USA March 1, 2000
Sauer, G., Zeidler, G., Gall, V. Construction of Miscellaneous Underground Structures for Subway Projects ASCE/MET 1999 New York, NY, USA May 26, 1999
Zeidler, K., Gall, V. Shotcrete Lining Design Concepts for new and rehabilitated Tunnels Sao Paulo, Brazil April 14, 1999
Astle, P., Goodfellow, R. and Mellors, T.W. Engineering a longer Life for Brunel's Tunnel London, United Kingdom August 26, 1998
Sauer, G. Selection of Mining Methods Sao Paulo, Brazil April 26, 1998
Gall, V., Zeidler, K., Predis, T. and Walter J. Rehabilitation concepts for brick lined tunnels in urban areas Sao Paulo, Brazil April 25, 1998
Zeidler, K. About the influence of compensation grouting on shotcrete tunnel linings at London Bridge Station Herndon, VA, USA April 1, 1998
Sauer, Dr. G. Urban Tunnelling Consequences Herndon, VA, USA March 12, 1998
Dr. Sauer Group Risk Assessment in Tunnelling Herndon, VA, USA January 1, 1998
Garrett, R. (Technical Journalist) Pittsburgh Berry Street Rebuild Pittsburgh, PA, USA June 5, 1997
Langer F. GSA stability for difficult ground Herndon, VA, USA January 1, 1997
Transit Cooperative Research Program, Synthesis of Transit Pratice 23 Inspection Policy and Procedures for Rail Transit Tunnels and Underground Structures January 1, 1997
Mergelsberg, W., Gall, V. and Sauer, G. Achieving Dry Cut-and-Cover Stations Washington, DC, USA April 21, 1996
Sauer, Dr. G., Ugarte, E. and Gall, V. Instrumentation and its Implications DART Section NC-1B City Place Station Dallas TX Washington, DC, USA April 21, 1996
Mellors, T. Referencing ground conditions London, United Kingdom October 31, 1995
Sauer, Dr. G., Gall, V. and Bauer, E. Computer Calculations Speeds Tunnel Lining Design Herndon, VA, USA June 1, 1994
Sauer, G., Gall, V., Bauer, E., Dietmaier, P. Design of Tunnel Linings using Capacity Limit Curves Morgantown, WV, USA May 22, 1994
Craig, R. Planning and Engineering of Heathrow Express London, United Kingdom November 18, 1993
